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Frequently Asked Questions

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How does distance energy healing work?

Distance energy sessions will be conducted virtually over the phone or online (using GoogleMeet).  Clients are encouraged to find a quiet space at home where they can sit or lie down comfortably with headphones on (if using the phone) or with their computer or laptop close by so that both the holistic practitioner and client can communicate. When conducting sessions online, cameras can be turned off or on according to client preference. 

Energy healing is a vibrational medicine that is based on the principle that the body is permeated by an energy field that can affect our health and well-being. This energy field is considered subtle energy, vibrational energy, or simply life force. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this energy field is known as Qi, and Prana in Ayurveda. Both physical and mental health conditions can come about when this energy is stuck or not flowing properly. The goal of energy healing is to restore the balance of energy to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Energy transcends time and space, geographical distance is no impediment to receiving healing. Distance energy healing is no different than in person, however, the screen or phone does allow for a boundary that can create a powerful and safe container for both the holistic practitioner and client.

What is the difference between virtual and remote energy healing sessions?

Virtual healing sessions are conducted by appointment, over the phone or online.  

Remote healing sessions are not booked as appointments thus the client (pet or person) can go about their daily activities as per usual. Sessions can be conducted according to client scheduling requests or will be completed (as per the remote healing package purchased) at the discretion of the holistic practitioner.  You will receive session notes to convey what work was done and any follow-up suggestions. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is pronounced "Ray-key". Reiki is a Japanese healing energy technique. Rei means "universal" and refers also to the spiritual dimension and the soul. Ki refers to the "vital life force energy" which flows through all living beings. When combined they represent the concept of "universal life-force energy". The predominant form of Reiki practiced throughout the world is Usui Reiki, which was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century.

Reiki is a gentle, pure form of energy healing that has many health benefits by supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms. It can relieve stress, anxiety, and fatigue. It boosts mood and can help treat depression.  It can also help improve symptoms and conditions such as headaches, tension, insomnia and nausea. It can reduce the side effects of drugs and radiation and may even reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications.

Reiki is a complementary therapy and should be used alongside a conventional treatment plan. You may also use it alongside other complementary treatments such as acupuncture, massage or counseling.  Reiki works safely with prescription drugs, surgery and medical procedures.

What is chakra balancing?

The chakra system was discovered in India more than 4000 years ago. We have many chakras but 7 major ones from the base of the spine to the top of our head.

The word chakra translates to “wheel” or "disk" in Sanskrit and denotes a point of intersection between the mind and the body.  Chakras are our centers of consciousness. They hold the energy of our physical bodies, as well as our thoughts and emotions, along with our interactions with others and our activities in the outside world. The chakra system is healthy when all 7 chakras are open, and balanced in size.

Each one of the 7 major chakras reflects a different colour and a different location in the body with associated organs and glands. They pass through the physical body and communicate with the endocrine system and nervous system. Although you can’t see the spinning wheels, you may feel or visualize their presence in an energy healing session. 

1) Root Chakra - Base of the Spine - Red

2) Sacral Chakra - Pelvic Region - Orange

3) Solar Plexus Chakra - Center of the Abdomen - Yellow 

4) Heart Chakra - Centre of the Chest - Green / Pink

5) Throat Chakra - Center of the Throat - Bright Blue 

6) Third Eye Chakra - Centre of Forehead - Indigo  

7) Crown Chakra - Top of the Head - Violet to White 

Chakra balancing is the process of restoring a harmonious flow of energy across the chakra system. Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull or even ill. The chakra system has immense value for personal growth and healing.

A chakra imbalance can affect how much energy flows through the chakra or chakra system. A chakra is deficient when the energy is “blocked” or “closed”. A chakra is overactive when the energy flow is excessive and not regulated. A chakra can be displaced or distorted when the position of the energetic field associated with one or several chakras is out of alignment.

Chakra balancing techniques fall into three main categories: those centered on a physical process or activity (such as yoga or breathwork), a meditative or introspective practice, and the transmission of energy from another person (such as reiki or pranic healing therapy). The use of subtle aromatherapy and crystals can also support chakra balancing activities.  

The purpose of chakra balancing is to support a balanced flow that will sustain vital energy levels and restore health. Balancing consists in establishing sufficient and consistent flow where there is not enough, regulating energy where there’s too much, and aligning where there’s distortion or displacement.  The effect of well balanced chakras often translates into a feeling of well-being, relaxation, centeredness, increased vitality and embodiment of oneself. 

How do I prepare for an energy healing session?

What to do before your energy healing session:

1. Relax and Reflect

Give yourself 30 minutes prior to the session to sit and reflect. Take some time to breathe and tend to yourself. Check in with how your body is feeling and take note of any emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations you are experiencing. You may also want to reflect on any intentions you want to set for your session, and anything you might want to share with the holistic practitioner prior to starting.

2. Eat and Hydrate

Be sure to eat and hydrate well during the time leading up to your session—this will keep you comfortable and not distracted by hunger or thirst. Sufficient hydration will also ensure your body is equipped to rid itself of low frequency energy (that has been moved or shifted during the session) and rebalance. Avoid eating a heavy meal beforehand as you do not want all of your body’s energy to be directed toward digesting while you’re receiving a treatment.

3. Get Comfortable and Stay Connected

Set up your computer or laptop in a quiet space at home that will enable you to communicate effectively but preferably allow you to lie down comfortably.  If the session is being conducted over the phone, the use of headphones is highly recommended. Be sure to choose a spot where you will not be interrupted. It is recommended to wear loose fitting, breathable clothes. In addition, keep socks or a blanket close by in case you start to feel cool during the treatment. You’ll also want to use the restroom before the session. If the position you are in during your session becomes uncomfortable in any way, feel free to move or adjust as needed, it's important for you to be as relaxed as possible.

What happens in an energy healing session?

All energy healing sessions follow a general format:

1) Intake
At the beginning, the holistic practitioner will check in with you to ask about your condition or symptoms and what you hope to gain from the session.

2) Centering 
The holistic practitioner will start the session by asking you to direct your attention inwards and focus on your breathing. This will help to "center" you in order to become totally focused, present and fully open to the process of engaging in the session. This centering process is similar to entering a meditative state. The holistic practitioner will also use this time to connect with their higher power or universal life energy. 

3) Attuning

Centering is followed by "attuning," or setting the intention for the session, according to the clients' desired outcomes and always for their highest good.  

4) Treatment
The holistic practitioner will begin by scanning your energy field with a dousing pendulum or by passing a hand gently above the surface of your virtual energy body, noting any sensations or imbalances. They may detect imbalances as heat, cold, tingling, pressure, heaviness, lightness, etc. Reiki or chakra balancing sessions will be conducted as agreed upon in advance or as appropriate for your needs. 

During the session you are welcome to communicate to your comfortable level. The holistic practitioner may ask you questions to draw you deeper into the experience. If you prefer to stay quiet that is fine too. Sometimes people fall asleep, in which case the holistic practitioner will complete the session in the time allotted and then just drop the call so that you are not disturbed. Post-treatment you will be sent session notes and any treatment plan information as appropriate. 

Energy healing techniques used may include drawing symbols, using crystals or subtle aromatherapy and rocking, or sweeping hand motions above the chakra's of the virtual energy body. The holistic practitioner will end the session by assessing your energy field again to evaluate whether or not the sensations or imbalances in the energy field noted during the pre-treatment assessment have changed.

5) Grounding

At the conclusion of the session, the holistic practitioner will "ground" you, which helps to bring you back to an alert state.

6) Evaluation, Feedback, and Treatment Plan Development

At the end of the session, the holistic practitioner will ask you for feedback and descriptions of any sensations or other experiences you may have had during the session. The holistic practitioner will discuss a treatment plan which may include when to come in for another session (if appropriate), as well as self-care techniques and strategies you can use.

How will I feel during an energy healing session?

People have various reactions to energy healing therapy. Some people feel nothing at all, but experience health related shifts to know that something happened. Others describe sensations of heat or cold in regions of their body, deep relaxation, feelings of being supported and nurtured. Sometimes people may have visual experiences such as seeing colours or images or cognitive experiences such as gaining insights into a specific area of life.

It is also possible for people to experience an emotional release such as tears during a session as energy healing works on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Emotional releases during a session are not uncommon and are part of the healing process.

What should I do after an energy healing sesson?

1. Integrate

Many benefits of an energy healing session can occur soon after the session ends. Thus, it’s important to stay quiet and relaxed to integrate what may arise. It's a good idea to take at least 15-20 minutes after the session to remain laying down, meditate or even take a nap. If you want to move, go for a walk in nature. Try not to book or schedule anything immediately after your session.

2. Eat and Hydrate More

It’s very important to hydrate after doing any type of energy work. Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water after your session. Adding electrolytes to your water is also a good idea, as it helps to replenish the body. Energy work will often make you hungry so be sure to choose a healthy snack or meal afterward if needed. Eating can also help ground the body and as a bonus, you may find that food tastes extra good after energy work.

3. Reflect

It’s helpful to spend some time after the session reflecting—journaling, drawing, or somehow capturing any insights you received during the experience. You may decide to meditate or listen to calming and/or inspirational music. Whatever you choose to do, find an activity that helps you connect with what you've experienced so that can maximize the benefits.

4. Challenges? Contact me!

Reiki energy is extremely gentle, however, since energy blockages are being cleared in the body during a session, discomfort can arise. It is not unusual to experience a healing crisis, such that symptoms may appear to get worse after initial treatment before improving. Examples of a healing crisis might include headaches, nausea, more aches and pains or even mild mood swings. This is normal and can be expected as part of the healing process. Get in touch if anything feels physically or emotionally painful for you after your session.

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