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I'm Cheryl Baldwin.

Let me guide you, as your Holistic Practitioner, towards better health and overall wellness for you & your pet!  

I can help you or your pet transform your ailments, assist you in unlocking your natural healing potential and empower you on a journey to complete well-being.
Let's work together!

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My Services

Let's work together and embark on a journey to greater well-being for you (and your pets). Transformation is possible, let's cultivate a "whole" new you - and pets too! 

Nutritional Consults

Discover what your body, through completing a Nutri-Body® Analysis, is trying to tell you about your nutritional health. Boost your mood by improving your nutrition! 

About Me - Cheryl Baldwin

Cheryl uses her powerful healing gifts to nurture you and your pets! 
Her experience healing pets has helped them overcome health challenges that were otherwise difficult or impossible to treat conventionally. 
In addition, she is particularly focused on healing anxiety, depression and fatigue to enhance wellness. 

Her passion for animals and the environment led to her keen interest in natural health.
Cheryl’s particular interest in anxiety / panic attacks and depression came about because of her own struggles with both. As conventional treatments often merely focus on symptom relief, she has sought to explore the deeper-seated causes, whether it’s nutritional, trauma/relationship related, or environmental. 

Cheryl supported herself by working in the corporate world for 2 decades while pursuing healing on the side. She is now ready to help more people on their healing journeys. 
She is ready to help you and your beloved pets!

I'm here to help!
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have for yourself or your pet.

Rejuvenate, revitalize and reinvent yourself with natural wellness! 

I respect your privacy. Your information is 100% safe with me.


Tel: +1 416-670-7735


By Appointment Only

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